How to Open Caviar Tins
If you’re a foodie, or perhaps just someone who enjoys life’s finer things, chances are you’ve come across either a caviar tin or glass caviar jar. While both contain the delicacy that is caviar, caviar tins are harder to open because they have a vacuum seal. This essentially means that the tin is sealed tight so that no air can get in, preventing the caviar from spoiling.While knowing how to open caviar tins can be difficult for a first-timer, Skazka Caviar has got you covered! Prepare to be an expert, no matter the tools at your disposal.
4 Methods to Open a Caviar Tin
There are four popular ways to open a caviar tin. Each method has its own pros and cons, so it is imperative to know which will work best for you.
The first and best way to open a caviar tin is by using a caviar key. Caviar keys are tools specifically made for opening caviar tins quickly and easily. If you plan on being a regular caviar consumer (which we know you will be when you try Skazka Caviar), it’s important to invest in the right tools to elevate your experience.
First things first, make sure your hands and work surface are clean before starting! Follow all typical food safety guidelines to protect yourself and the integrity of the product you are using.
Next, place the flat side of the caviar key inside the lip of the lid, positioning it so that you can pry open the tin.
Using your dominant hand to hold down both sides of the caviar key with a firm grip, use your other hand to insert the key into the edge seam around the tin. Once inserted, begin turning clockwise slowly but firmly until you hear the tin pop open.
Finally, carefully remove the lid (use a spoon or a butter knife as leverage to better protect your fingers). If there are any loose bits of caviar still on top, use that same utensil to carefully scrape them into the caviar tin.
Method Two: Using a Flat Head Screwdriver
While it’s the best method, most caviar newbies don’t have a caviar key lying around. Luckily, there are other options. The second way to open a caviar tin is by using a flat head screwdriver. Though this method still requires a special tool, the likelihood that you have access to a screwdriver is probably a little higher than that of having a caviar key.
Insert the tip of the screwdriver into the edge of the caviar tin and gently pry it up. Be aware, there is some implied risk with this method as it can be difficult to control how much pressure you exert; therefore you can easily damage the tin or the lid.
Method Three: Using a Knife
Even if you don’t have either a caviar tin or a flat head screwdriver, you can use a knife to open your caviar tin. As with the screwdriver, it can be dangerous to your person if you are not careful or your fingers slip while working.
However, the risk of damaging your tin or the lid when using a knife to open a caviar tin is pretty low. Keep in mind that if you decide to use a knife, a dull butterknife is the best option.
Method Four: Using a Spoon
You can also use a spoon to open a caviar tin. It can however be frustrating if the spoon is too wide for your lid and/or there are lots of stubborn seals around the circumference of the caviar tin. If you do find that your spoon is too wide, you can also try using a twenty five cent coin to open the caviar tin.
Best Caviar to Try
Now that you know how to open a caviar tin, it is time to try some caviar! At Skazka Caviar, we have a variety of various high quality sturgeon caviars for you to test out your new skills on.
Here are a few of our favorites:
- "Russian Czar" Beluga Sturgeon Caviar: This caviar is the perfect choice for those who want to experience caviar with a luxurious smooth texture that will leave you wanting more.
- “Traditional Russian” Siberian Sturgeon Caviar: This traditional Russian caviar has a mild flavor with an oily texture. It pairs perfectly with any type of bread, particularly black or rye bread.
- "Putin’s Choice" Royal White Sturgeon Caviar: This caviar is a delicacy and has a highly prized, buttery flavor. These tiny eggs burst with umami in your mouth, making you feel like the Russian president himself!
As you now know, it’s fairly easy to open a tin of caviar - and there’s tons of different caviar you can try. No matter what kind you decide is right for you, make sure not to spill out any of the precious eggs!
Frequently asked questions about caviar
Unopened: The shelf life of a vacuum sealed container of caviar is approximately 4 weeks at a temperature of 26° to 36° F.
Opened: For the best possible quality, caviar should be consumed within 7 days of opening.
Freezing: Caviar can be frozen to extend the shelf life to about a year. However, the caviar will have a slightly softer texture.
Orders for perishable items received by 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday, are processed and shipped the same-day. Each tin of caviar is packed by hand and shipped via FedEx in a ice cooler to preserve freshness and texture upon delivery. We offer free overnight shipping on all orders.
We never add anything that would interfere with the quality or nutritional value of our product! Skazka caviar is 100% natural with no additives, preservatives, or chemicals. Our sturgeon eggs contain no mercury, pesticides, or any other harmful ingredients.
We’re fully committed to sustainability and ecological responsibility, using only wild-caught and responsibly farmed fish. Our farms are focused on minimizing their environmental impact, following the strictest procedures for sustainability at all times.
The quality of caviar is graded based on a set of factors in which the scorer must answer a series of questions about the product to determine whether the caviar is Grade 1 or Grade 2. The 9 factors that caviar is graded on are egg size, egg color, egg firmness, egg lucidity, egg uniformity, egg separation, egg fragrance, egg taste, and egg maturity.
Yes, eating caviar can have numerous benefits to your health. One serving of caviar is packed full of protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, and vitamins A, B2, B6, B12, B44, C, and D. Caviar is also known to contain a variety of essential amino acids such as lysine, arginine, isoleucine, methionine and histidine.
We strongly recommend serving caviar chilled. Keep it cold by putting the container in a bowl which is placed inside a larger bowl containing ice. Never use silver utensils or any other metals that oxidize to avoid damaging the taste. Begin with two small spoonfuls in a mother of pearl serving spoon, savoring the caviar without chewing to fully experience the delicate flavors.
The ideal complement to our caviar is French blinis and crème fraiche. Serve your guests Skazka caviar with warm blinis and a scoop of crème fraiche and they’ll be your friends for life!
In the unlikely event that you are not completely satisfied with your order, please contact us within 24 hours so we can arrange a replacement. We pride ourselves on customer service and will do everything possible to help.
About the Author
Igor Fishbeyn - Caviar Purveyor
Igor Fishbeyn is purveyor of fine sturgeon caviar and creator of the Skazka Caviar brand. He is an expert with decades of experience specializing in importing, wholesaling, and retailing the finest quality caviar in the world. Igor frequently writes about caviar news and various topics about the caviar industry. He lives in San Francisco with his wife and daughter.
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